
Matboard has a high importance once art is being framed. Matboard creates correct correct colour balance, adds additional space between the frame and artwork and connects frame and artwork into one entity.

We can offer you wide range of matboard from the leading manufacturers: Caneva, Daler-Rowney, Moorman, Whitecore. You can select correct matboard by manufacturer, budget, colour scheme and texture.

Foamboard is often used for the back of the frame. Foamboard is a sandwitch panel made of polystyrene and glued with paper on the both sides. We are glad to offer foamboard, produced by Korean manufacturer Neofoam. You can select foamboard black, white and brown colours, various thickness and rigidity. There is also a selection of foamboard with adhesive layer and without it. Neofoam foam board is used in advertising, photo and design industries.


Boards There are 451 products.